Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkins! And Goats!

Yesterday afternoon Amy and I finally got the kids to the pumpkin patch, despite the fact that the weather was gloomy and it was quite hard to find a place that's open on Monday afternoons. Luckily I found this place

Trying to get a good picture of Dencey and Eli together was challenging. This was the best I could do. They're very cute.

Trying to get a good picture of just Eli was pretty challenging too.
Eli was very into the apples that were for sale in the shop. He kept going from bushel to bushel picking them up and smelling them then putting them back down. So, if you happen to buy some apples from Simmon's Farm you make sure to wash them before you eat them.
Eli was pretty positive that the pumpkins were just balls with stems. And he kept throwing them.
Don't worry nothing was broken, he doesn't yet have the strength to smash pumpkins.
The best part of the trip was the petting zoo and the fact that we were the only ones there. It was Dencey & Eli's private petting zoo. The goat above was adorable and incredibly friendly. I named him Paprika.
I think that a lot of kids would have been a bit scared of the goats but not these kids. They probably just thought they were dogs.
The only animals who weren't extremely cuddly were the ducks. Eli tried to make friends with them anyway.
The baby goats loved Dencey and kept trying to nurse on her fingers. And one tried to eat her hood. The goats also tried to eat my coat and purse. What they say about goats is true.
Eli didn't care that the goat wanted to eat him, he thought they were swell anyway.I didn't end up getting a pumpkin, but I purchased a gourd that looks just like a Super Mario mushroom! Very fabulous, I'm trying to incorporate it for my work pumpkin decorating contest.


Shell said...

Awwww Eli loves the little nigerians!! I'm considering that breed for our spring herd :D

Christina said...

yummy apples Eli! They must have the best