Friday, October 24, 2008

Casserole #4: Rachel Casserole

Last night I made a rachel casserole, for those of you who aren't in the know a rachel is turkey rueben. I based it off this recipe:,188,155168-230205,00.html, but I wasn't sure about corned beef AND sauerkraut in Eli's little tummy so I decided to substitute turkey. I also left out the onion since I don't eat onions on my reuben and I hate cutting onions. I always cry and can't see and almost cut my finger off. Too dramatic unless it's a necessary ingredient.
Ingredients, I bought the tiny rye because it was really easy to cube up. But now I have half a loaf of tiny rye bread...

They didn't have any shredded Swiss cheese at the store so I just got sliced and chopped it. Easy.
Yay for sauerkraut! The only thing I disliked about making this was putting the cold sauerkraut in the strainer and squeezing the juice out. That was unpleasant.
The bread baked up almost like croutons, it was incredibly tasty.
The bottom half of my pictures are out of order because blogger's a jerk unless I'm uploading one by one.
Note the truck on Eli's high chair; he was playing with it before dinner, using my legs as an express way and making vroom vroom noises. And then he insisted on taking it to the bathtub with him as well.
Eli's portion right before I popped it into the freezer to cool down.
This casserole didn't strike me as being particularly nutritional so I made veggies on the side. Birdseye frozen veggies are delicious and I now refuse to buy other brands.
If you were concerned that maybe Eli was bored while I was in the kitchen taking care of business you needn't have been, he was entertaining himself just fine. That glass was on top the TV stand when I went into the kitchen which means he climbed up onto his toy box, got the glass, acquired his cell phone and then settled back in on the couch. Also this picture doesn't show it but he was wearing shoes and no pants. Because that's how Eli rolls and you will not crush his individuality!
Anyway, back on point, rachel casserole was pretty good. Eli wasn't that crazy about it though so it's not that toddler friendly. Also the kraut was pretty bitter, if I make this again I'll sugar it a bit before mixing in the caraway and parsley. I'm going to give it a six and a half out of ten. It's certainly no CornDog casserole that's for sure.