Thursday, October 23, 2008

Casserole #2: CornDog Casserole

Casserole #2 was a big success. It was basically this recipe: except we used veggie dogs and I replaced the celery (not a fan) with broccoli florets. My pictures are all out of order because blogger's being a jerk. I'll narrate them very clearly.
This is the casserole all assembled and ready to go in the oven, I used mozzarella & cheddar cheese because two cheeses are better than one.

This is how I grease casserole dishes at my house. With butter. Real butter.

Stirring it all together. These pictures have a very 1970's quality to them because my flash would appear to have stopped working on my camera and I didn't want to take the time to figure out why. Plus I like the 70's.
All the ingredients! See simple.

MMMM baked beans, this was supposed to be lower as this is what the pan looked like after the beans had been devoured.

Likewise this picture of the cooked casserole.
Beans cooked up nice and thick. I made them just like my mom does, from the can with a lot of doctoring going on. Suzanne and Zoie profess them delicious. Eli and I agree.
CornDog Casserole fresh out of the oven. I give this ten out of ten and two thumbs up and any other high rating you'd like to apply. Eli loved it too so I'd say it's very toddler friendly. Putting in the broccoli made me feel better about the nutritious value of this casserole as well.


Shell said...

I am so glad you're doing this. I could use more casserole dishes. :) Hooray for toddler friendly! They look yummy!