Monday, October 06, 2008

Picture Pages!

Guess who takes a lot of pictures and assumes people are interested in them?
Eli wanted to show you the proper stance for throwing a baseball.
Could someone please send the kid some toys? He's really really bored over here.
On Thursday I took off work to go to Phipps Conservatory with my sister-in-law and niece Both kids were on their best behavior even though they were confined for the protection of the flowers. Eli loves to pick flowers. And then crush them in his tiny hand and throw them to the ground. Probably they frown on that there.
It's absolutely gorgeous. Amy was saying how she always dreamed of being married in this garden, it would be a lovely place to be wedded.
I told Eli we were in the jungle. He said "oh yeah? if this is the jungle where are the monkeys?" Can't get anything past that kid.

For some (really fabulous) reason there were flamingos everywhere. The ones above are having a cocoa steam bath. I was jealous.
Chocolate flamingos shipwrecked.
Eli was also really good at lunch afterwards so I let him look at the fish. I am a very nice mother.
He hasn't quite grown into his ears yet...
Still he's pretty damn cute. That's his catcher's stance, he'll hand you a ball then run across the room and hunker down in preparation. Natural born athlete.
On Saturday we babysat for Dencey. She's pretty cute too with her sweet red head. Sadly it seems like Eli's starting to get jealous of her again and doesn't like when she drinks out of his sippy cup or when I pick her up. My mom assures me it's the age and that he'll grow out of it.
Mr. Baseball rocks his baby bell bottoms.
On Sunday we went to the Andy Warhol Museum much like our trip to the Carnegie Eli was riveted by the art.
They have an exhibit with a ton of Popeil Brothers stuff that I wanted to take down and carry home.
How I wish that I could have competed for the title of Miss Kitchen Gadget!
There is nothing not to like about that.
Clearly I need a Veg-O-Matic.
Also I need all of this kitchen ware. Feel free to start looking on Ebay.
Eli woke up in time for the balloon room. He was into it.

Suzanne found her favorite kind of art.
This picture was the last one I managed to get on the gallery floors before being chastised. Which sucked because there were a lot of fabulous things to snap.
Eli contemplates a life as a pop artist.
Eli has exactly one toy gun. The orange squirt gun in this picture. He loves it, I once saw him dig every single toy out of the toy box until he found it. Not sure what that means. Also note that I was watching What Dreams May Come which always makes me cry. It's one of the few Robin Williams' movies that I enjoy.


Shari said...

Emily he gets cuter & cuter in every picture!

Suzanne said...

He is such a little bunny face. Hearts.