Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Part One

Today we had Halloween fun at work. Every year we have a pumpkin decorating contest that people take very seriously.
This was my cubes contribution, I painted the pumpkins last night and then blow dried them during commercials so that I could do a second coat. I think they turned out very cute and will look most impressive sitting on my stoop tonight.

My supervisor's award winning pumpkin. I claimed the little eyeball covered gourd as my own.

Hannibal Lector pumpkin.
Incredibly awesome candy corn blow fish pumpkin, courtesy of Suz's cube.
Joe the plumber, the pumpkin.

This afternoon Eli came to visit in his kangaroo costume, which he seems really into wearing thank goodness.
At first he just wanted to play with the water cooler bottles.
I'll have more official pics on Monday. I'm very much looking forward to trick or treating because as the food Nazi (Jason's words) I get to eat all the candy myself! Hurrah!


Christina said...

Eli is adorable in his costume! and you rocked those m&m pumpkins!!!

Christina and Brian said...

I've heard that being a Nazi is the best part of being a mother. Enjoy it!

Sherri said...

lol he looks so adorable:) And your pumpkins look cool, too!