Thursday, October 09, 2008

Points of Contention

.I am tired of being broke. I am considering supplementing my income with a work from home job. As a prostitute. Don't judge until you hear me out, I could charge $150 a customer, one customer a day 5x a week. That's $36,000 a year! I would keep my current job for the health benefits and we could live very very comfortably.

.I hate being on my period. I would much rather be pregnant. Or lying on a beach not bleeding from my lady parts. Or just sitting at my desk not bleeding from my lady parts.

.When I eat salty food my mouth tastes like the ocean. Why must salt have this effect?

.Satellite TV is unGodly expensive. It should be free.

.My power went out for four hours last night. It's over but I'm still annoyed about it.

.I cannot keep my house clean. I cannot afford a maid. I cannot make the day longer so that I have more hours to get things done. Unfair.

.Eli is still not talking enough to effectively communicate so he squeals and points. I HATE it. It makes my head hurt. But he's a baby so I can't yell back. I can however bitch on this blog because that's what it's here for.


Bonnie said...

You're too funny, Emily!!

Christina said...

Hahahaha. Once they start talking, they nevet shut up... =0)