Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yes, I Got That Memo

I should preface this by telling you that my job really isn't high stress. I mean it really really isn't. But currently I'm starting to feel a little harried by people who won't return my phone calls, fellow employees who think I'm their personal lackey, and programs that I shouldn't be handling. I'm starting to feel a lot like this guy:
So, if I come across as a cranky bitch, like I did today during copier training (that's right copier training which was "mandatory" for me), I am sorry. Forgive me. Love me. Roll with it baby. I can't be bitchy with my one year old; the adults in my life might end up bearing the brunt.

On a more cheerful note Eli got these in the mail yesterday from "aunt" Jenna at Oopsy Daisy Designs:
They're new wool longies and they are awesome! I got them too late for a fashion show yesterday but Eli will definitely be rocking them this eve. They're going to look right with his guitar shoes.

Tuesday afternoon J and I took Eli out to play in the backyard. This is when we discovered that he's afraid of grass. He doesn't like to stand grass and if you put him in it he gets back to the cement walk as fast as his untrusting little legs will take him. My little city baby.

That's Eli with his fire truck Play Hut, he didn't cry this time but he still wasn't crazy about it. After all it was on the grass.
I love this picture, Eli looks like he's gonna get you. You can see the little girl who lives next door playing with Adelaide, she's 7 and very adorable and sweet. She also walks across screen in the little video below. Her older brother, who despite looking 12 is in fact 17, is also in the video.


Shell said...

Oooohhhh cool longies :)

Suzanne said...

My favorite part of the video is Adelaide and baby Comet laying next to each other like pals.