Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nothing Exciting

Not a lot going on over at the home front. Eli and I had a stomach bug that was pretty gross over the weekend and he finally seems like he's feeling normal again. The weather is good, rainy and warm which is pretty much my ideal. Yesterday was Administrative Professionals Day which means that I got showered with gifts, praise and comp time at the office which was lovely. My boss wrote me an ode that begins with the couplet:

Emily, Emily you sure are great
And you are only occasionally late

Funny and true. Though I'm late probably more than they realize. I made some kick ass chicken chili with corn and fresh tomatillos last night (I love saying tomatillos, sounds so fancy). Really not anything exciting going on.

Innovative parenting in action. Eli kept shutting the tv off, turning up the volume & changing the channels; so I found a good use for the old cards that were taking up space in my wallet. And note that I'm watching The Lifetime Movie Network, that channel is addictive.

I put him directly in the grass. And he didn't much like it.

So he tried to escape. When he couldn't get the gate open he contemplated digging, luckily those dollar store shovels are pretty flimsy.

When he pushes that arrow it makes a clicking noise and says "you're turning right" he really likes to push that button. Doesn't he look like a big boy in this picture! Makes me a little teary eyed.

Stacking up blocks is his newest skill, he's very very good at it. A block savant even. I clap for him and cheer and praise his smarts with each block added to the pile. I can't help it I think he's the best thing that ever happened. And if my body would get itself in order I'd be making another best thing.