Tuesday, April 01, 2008

In Like A Lamb

It's April first and mild as you please, I was so happy on my walk in today that when my itunes began playing Holding out For A Hero by Bonnie Taylor I almost started dancing across the Millvale St Bridge. It was such a Flashdance moment (steel town girl on a Tuesday morning) but there was a lot of traffic so I restrained myself. There was however a definite spring in my step. I've decided that no matter what the weather decides to do I'm acting as if it's Spring. If it snows I'm wearing a skirt; I'll no longer let the tyranny of winter hold me down!

I bought some really fabulous worsted wool yarn today. The original intention was to make a blanket for Eli but it's kind of girly and it was expensive enough that I didn't want to buy enough skeins for a blanket so it'll be a scarf for moi instead. Eli will get a blanket next time. I still only know the one stitch (single) but I'm sure it'll be lovely. Pictures will surely be forthcoming.

Below is a picture of a very Pittsburgh thing, every time I see an instance of it I grin. I've been told that this behavior doesn't happen in other cities; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
What are those chairs doing there you ask? Why they're holding that person's parking spot on the street across from my driveway. Why wouldn't someone just move the chair and park there? Because that would be very rude!

When Eli gets tired he'll go over to the couch, or someones lap, and just lay his head down like this. It's so sweet and it makes me love him a 1000 times over. On Sunday he did this and I lifted him onto my chest so he could nap; he looked up at me with the biggest grin before lying his head down and going right to sleep.
Elijah and Providence, who's 7 months sizing each other up. I don't think they look particularly alike from the front but their profiles are almost identical.
I love this pic of them cheesing it up for the camera.

When Eli gets really mad he makes his whole body tense, curls and uncurls his hands, gets as close to my face as possible and shrieks! Loudly. For as long as he feels is necessary.
That's what it looks like. A little early to be entering the terrible two's, no?


Shari said...

LOL at the chair thing I swore only people in Brooklyn did that !

Eli is adorable as always!
I wnat to see your girly yarn, take pics before , then after :)

Shell said...

I've been told that this behavior doesn't happen in other cities; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

They do that here and in Philly too. LOL!