Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I think the good weather invigorated me because I was ultra productive last night. I did 3 loads of laundry (including folding and putting it where it goes), hung up some pictures in my kitchen and bathroom, did 2 loads of dishes, and most importantly I organized the basket where I keep Eli's clean diapers. I hadn't been folding the diapers out of sheer laziness and unmatched socks, t-shirts, etc... had started to sneak in as well. It looks a million times better now:
See? So organized! I'm a little obsessed with Eli's diapers because they're so cute and good for the environment and kind of addictive to shop for. Really I think all parents should cloth diaper. And I'd be happy to brainwash them into doing it.
All but about 1/2 dozen of Eli's diapers are in there, which means that as of last night they were almost all clean and accounted for. Makes me feel good ; )
Here's Eli playing before bedtime. Possibly we should buy the poor kid some toys.
He looks like he's protecting the sofa here. Really he was watching the cat; "if I hold really really still maybe she'll come to me!". Since she's in heat this theory has been correct as of late. It's kind of gross but Eli could not be happier at how friendly kitty is.


Shell said...

Yeah, I heart me some cute cd's too. LOL