Friday, April 25, 2008

Home Away From Home

I wanted to take a photo of the lovely flowers, that I took from some one's yard on Tuesday, that have been cheering up my desk so I thought I'd take a couple shots of my desk. I spend a lot of time here and am bad at organizing which is why it looks the way it does.

Tulips in a plastic cup, and there's some lilac floating in the water which is making my desk smell amazing. I'm amazed at how long the flowers have lasted in fluorescent light with no fresh air. Let's pretend that they're a metaphor for modern life shall we? And check out the Mr. Yuck sticker on my phone; did you know that was invented right her in the Burgh?

Cube sweet Cube. This is it's natural state. I have a proliferation of paperwork that could certainly be kept in a neater fashion, but oh well this works for me.
Pictures. A lot of Eli and the dogs. I need to put up a picture of Hazel-Louise Birds.
My ode, funny and true.

I didn't take a picture of the 11 pairs of shoes that live under my desk because there's already one of those on myspace. 9 out of 11 pairs are ballet flats. Because I have a problem for which there is no support group.