Saturday, February 23, 2008


Yesterday on the walk home from work I had to deal with snow and rain. I was wearing boots, pea coat, gloves, scarf, hat & carrying an umbrella; the colors went brown, green, grey and pink, green, cream, school bus yellow. You can imagine for yourself how great I looked. Of course I passed several other people who were similarly outfitted for their personal journeys. One man was shoveling big scoopfuls of water off his sidewalk. As usual the weather in Pittsburgh defies logic. I have experienced days where it was 70 degrees at 9 am, 50 degrees and raining at 4 pm & 25 degrees and snowing at 8 pm. I'm sure this happens other places but I always think "only in Pittsburgh".
The basic point of this post is that I'm more than ready for spring, if it doesn't warm up soon I'm packing up the baby and taking a Greyhound out west.

Speaking of Eli it's 3 minutes to 10 and he's still asleep! I woke up at nine because it was physically impossible for me to stay in bed any longer. I got the diapers in the washer and started the dishes and now I'm just relaxing. I'm actually contemplating going upstairs and waking him up because I kind of miss him. Because I'm lame.


Shell said...

Dude, I hear ya. It's just PA, not Pittsburgh. It was close to 60 here last week, now we're buried under 8-10 inches of snow @@ Sweet.

And you're not lame either. I miss my kids even if they leave the room. LOL I can be seen herding them quite frequently.