Monday, March 03, 2008

Fake Spring

The weather is miraculously mild today. Mid fifties, sunny, no wind; snow and ice finally melting after a week of deep freeze. I know it's not going to last, but God is it beautiful today. My goal is to get Eli out and about in his stroller tonight so he can breath some fresh air into his poor cabin fevered lungs. Also I'm pretty sure the dog would enjoy a walk. Hurray for fake spring!

It's almost St. Patrick's day which makes me yearn for corned beef and all things cabbage. I found a recipe for brining your own brisket, but it just seems like too much work; instead I'll probably bribe my mom into getting me one from the butcher shop in her part of town. Below is a picture of my adorable niece getting into the spirit of the holiday.

Pretty damn cute huh? St. Pat's day makes me think of my first night bar tending, a Friday night St. Pat's where my cocktail waitress (who liked to do more than a little drinking on the job) quit on me in the first hour. I ended up bar tending and cocktailing with my green stained hands; I pulled in over $300 dollars but it's still not something I'd ever want to do over.

In other news I'm so excited about the primary elections tomorrow night! The results could very well decide who are democratic nominee is going to be. I'm a big Clinton fan, but would certainly not be upset by an Obama candidacy and presidency, as long as there's a democrat in charge I'll be a happy camper.