Thursday, March 27, 2008

Eco-Friendly Eli

This article, which was pretty much stating things I already knew, caught my attention this morning.http:// I agree with everything it says, and so should you : )

Last night I watched the documentary The Business of Being Born and was blown away. I cried, alot, and started thinking about my own labor (which I've been doing a lot anyway). For me the part that rang the most true is just trusting your body to know what to do; birth is what our bodies were made to do. I think that the way tv and movies portray birth terrified me into getting an epidural. My body new what it was doing while I was laboring at home before heading to the hospital, and I feel that without the epidural I may have pushed for a shorter period of time because I wouldn't have been dulled from my natural instincts. Anyway the crux of it is that I am pretty firmly decided that next time I am with child I'll be laboring with midwifes at a birthing center. There is actually such a place 10 minutes from my house and I'll be going there for my care from the moment the stick turns.


Shell said...

Hooray, another convert!!! I'm glad you saw it!! I don't think there's a birthing center anywhere closer than an hour to us, so we're doing a home birth with a midwife that travels. I hope the next one goes the way you want it too :)