Wednesday, March 26, 2008


This morning while perusing mentalfloss I came across this link http://
the products are all German and sadly I don't think they're available in the US because wouldn't you like to eat Nougat Pillows for breakfast? Just the name "Nougat Pillows" makes my mouth water. I once heard gnocchi described as little pillows of potato dumpling and haven't been the same since.
Don't they look delicious?
Apparently in Germany you can get stuffed peppers in a can...not sure how I feel about that one.

Sometimes in the evening while I'm trying to cook dinner, do dishes, do laundry and play with Eli in that little 5 hour window I have before bedtime things get a little hectic. My parenting style at these times could probably be best described as eccentric.
Here's Eli playing with the phone book because he was screaming so loud while I tried to chop vegetables that I feared I'd cut off a finger. He did pull pages out, but I'm sure they weren't any of the important ones.
And here's the little man escaping from me after bath that same night. This was after he pooed in the tub and before he peed on the floor. You can see that I gave him back his Easter grass to try to pacify him before giving him the phone book. Since the grass is not the magical cure all I thought it was it has since been thrown away.