Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Long Long Weekend

Hello Internet! It's been a sad four days without you. I'm really considering ponying up that $80 for a new power cord, I hate not being able to check my email over the weekend, especially on a holiday weekend. I'm going to try to be sensible and check EBay and the Goodwill computer store before I go nuts though. Honestly I am so much better with money than I used to be, when I lived in Vegas I wouldn't even have blinked over $80. Of course when I lived in Vegas I could make $80 in two busy hours of cocktailing. Does anyone know a local Exotic Dancer locale that employs chubby girls with small milk filled breasts? Let me know!

On Friday Eli's Oscar the Grouch puppet came from Etsy, it's adorable!

I'm making a mean voice and telling Eli that I'm a grouch and hate everything.
Eli loves the puppetry. Providence is not so sure what to think so she just hid behind her cousin and continued to snack on toast.

Eli's favorite place to eat breakfast is sitting inside the drink tray on top of the ottoman. It's very cute, but a little dangerous, last weekend he was doing this and it was too close to the edge and flipped over. He was pretty mad at the time but seems to have gotten over it.

We went to my cousin Matt's wedding on in Meyersdale on Saturday. Matt is my twin cousin as all 12 of us were pretty much born in sets of two, Matt and I are only a month and a day apart so by my thinking he got married perfectly on time. It was Eli's first wedding and I had high hopes that he'd show off what an excellent parent I am by being charming, he was only half charming to say the most. I think the crux of the problem is that he didn't nap on the 2 hour car ride there rendering him a cranky mess. We had to hang outside during most of the ceremony, and for part of the reception which we left early. I didn't even get cake, sigh. And of course he slept for the entire ride home. The little booger. He did have a good time being chased by my little second cousins who were amazed by his never ending energy. I had the joy of being told by three people that Eli can face forward in his car seat-I know that technically he CAN, but he's still so small and it's so much safer to be rear facing-unsolicited parenting advice is my least favorite sort of unsolicited advice. I'm going to start telling people that in Sweden children are rear facing up to 55lbs, that should shut them up the Swedes do everything right just look at Ikea. I was also told that it's non sense to hold off giving a kid nuts until their second birthday, that I'm mean to not give him cookies and such, and my parenting was called "new fangled". Oh the joys of family.

One more note on the wedding that's not going to mean much if you don't know my extended family but the bride's side made my side of the family look classy.

Eli on the way to the wedding, not sleeping. (and facing the rear)
Eli being held by great grandma in my Uncle Larry's Delmont, everyone was getting antsy waiting for the bride and groom to exit the church.
Mommy and Eli dressed up in front of my Gram's house in lovely Grantsville.
Eli on the way home completely zonked.

Last night we went to my mom's for bbq.

Eli loves baked beans. After this he went straight into the bath.
Fuzzy black and white Eli, this pics out of order but still cute.
T-Bone is just so photogenic.
Eli snuggling on the couch with Adelaide yesterday morning, he loves that dog and will not leave her be. He's actually fallen asleep on her twice.
The much put upon Lady Adelaide of Bloomfield. Poor shell shocked doggie.

One last note: I am so excited to get my bonus so I can stock up my pantry and freezer like the Rapture is imminent!