Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Since the last time I wrote Eli has had his 5 month birthday and his first 4Th O' July. He now weighs in at a whopping 14 lbs 6 oz, rolls all over the place, giggles up a storm, and enjoys using his rain forest jumparoo (see picture below)

He has also been sleeping much better which is a blessing for me, I was starting to feel a little zombified at work and at home. Sometimes he will loosen his hold on Dangles the monkey and start crying, but as soon as he has a grip on him he usually drifts back to sleep. My little man is starting to seem very grown up.

In non-baby news Jason had his first trip to Kennywood! When asked to rate it on a 1-10 scale he gave it an 11, which seems about right to me since I consider it to be up there with Disneyland in the race for happiest place on earth. The best part was the Jackrabbit, I was tightening and tightening the seat belt and Jason gave me a look and said, "Why are you freaking out, we're not going anywhere?" Then when we hit that double dip and he felt that amazing derail/pop out of the cart sensation, the look on his face was priceless. Aah the joys of a Kennywood virgin.

We also found also found a new place to live this weekend, finally. I hate the apartment we're in now (I think Eli does too), it's too small, has no yard, the neighbors are loud and nasty, my mail gets stolen, my stove doesn't cook right, I could just go on and on. The new place is a five minute walk from work (my feet are ecstatic about that), has a big front porch, small backyard, air conditioning, a great kitchen, big bathroom, full basement with washer and dryer, and it's cute!! We fell in love pretty much the second we walked in, and we can't wait to get moved in at the beginning of the month. Our places are getting progressively nicer and I have high hopes that in 2-3 years we'll be in a place of our own. I also have high hopes that we'll be able to talk the new landlord into letting us get a dog, I miss Mr. B like crazy, and Eli loves dogs. He loves the cat too, but she's not so fond of him.