Friday, July 20, 2007

Taking names and breaking hearts

Eli said his first word last night, ma-ma! It's amazing to me that I'm someones first word, the person that is foremost in his life. A lot of my time is spent trying to do the best that I can for him; trying to decide the best way to raise him. One of the big things for me is raising him to be healthy and environmentally conscious. So far we've implemented cloth diapers, and the breastfeeding of course, I've been slowly switching over to all natural bath stuff. Last night I made his first batch of baby food (organic carrots) to freeze for later, and tonight I'm going to do sweet potatoes. I like feeling domestic, like a 50's housewife, and I'm getting a lot better at cooking. I made split pea soup from scratch while I was cooking Eli's carrots last night and it was amazing! Last time I let it get too thick (Jason called it mashed potato soup), but this time it was just right. I've also been researching pre school homeschooling curriculum's. I don't think I'll be homeschooling him for K-12, but I'd like to give him a good head start before sending him off to school. Eli literally takes up 90% of my time, whether I'm with him or not I'm always thinking of him. The other ten percent is focused on TV, books, and movies. On the World Series of Pop Culture finals last night there was an entire category dedicated to Dirty Dancing. I aced it of course, it's kind of what I've been preparing for my entire life. I've seen it close to 400 times I think. Next year I'm going to be in the World Series of Pop Culture, you just wait and see, and I'm going to win. And then I'm going to use the money to take a year off with Eli.