Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Light Summer Reading

In times of yore (anytime before 2/2/07) I used to read upwards of two books a week, every week. When the new Harry Potter novel would come out I would call off work (because I'm responsible like that) and settle in with various snacks to read until it was finished. I got "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" on Saturday, early Saturday, and I'm still not done. I tried to stay up til midnight last night to finish it. Book still unfinished, alarm not set, me begging my mom for a ride to work so I'm not horrendously late. I was horrendously late one day last week and I try not to do that too many times in one month, having a baby doesn't automatically excuse tardiness, though really it should. If I finish it tonight I'm going to finish reading "The Liars Club", and then start in on my Summer of Faulkner 3-book set. Those books are smaller paperbacks which I might be able to read one handed while nursing. I love my son so much more than I thought possible, but I do miss my free time. I miss reading for hours on end, not stopping except to pee or get snacks, or maybe watch a soap opera. Of course someday he won't need my constant attention, that's what I tell myself when I get frustrated, but I do get frustrated.