Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Run Down

I haven't blogged in what for me is a very long time. It's not that I haven't had anything to say it's just that I've been busy and over tired and cranky. Those are not the best conditions in which to be writing. My main preoccupation as of late are the upcoming nuptials. Jason and I are set to get married on Friday. As in three days from now. It's just a courthouse ceremony which you'd think would be pretty simple but I'm running into snags and annoyances at every turn.

Yesterday we went to get our license, which went incredibly smoothly--I swear the lady didn't even glance at our I.D.'s--and made me feel optimistic, then I asked the woman about scheduling an appointment for Friday. Ms. Laura Ashley dress from 1981 told me that no one downtown performs marriage ceremonies and that my local magistrate would have to do it. And I was all "OK...that seems strange...but OK". Went to the local magistrates office, the very nice girl told me that they're closed on Friday, cue moment of internal panic. "Why don't you just go downtown?" she asks. Why indeed? Apparently the other lady lied to me! I can't seem to fathom her logic behind it but whatever. So I call the number I'm given at the local office the lady there says they don't make appointments and that I should call the day of. Today I decided to call and investigate into that a bit further. Apparently not all judges perform weddings and they won't know til the morning of if the judge who'll be there on Friday will be able to do the ceremony. This was fifteen minutes ago. I'm genuinely panicking now. I decided maybe blogging would calm me down.

As far as other wedding details go things are running OK (we'll just pretend for a moment that the actual legal ceremony is of little consequence) I have my twenty dollar dress and five dollar shoes from Target, Jason got new pants and shoes, Jen is going to take photos around Pittsburgh before the actual ceremony. My mom is supposed to pay for the dinner after for about a dozen people and my sister in-law booked us a hotel room to honeymoon in while she keeps the young sir overnight. All very good and exciting. And Jason seems excited himself and is being perfectly agreeable to all suggestions. If I could just lock down an appointment with an officiant I'd be able to relax.

I'm putting up pictures from Dencey's b-day party two weeks ago. The last pictures taken on my camera I might add, I've been lax in that as well.
Eli wore my new favorite shirt of his from Baby Gap. He looked charming.
He had a very very good time in the bouncy castle.

Dencey celebrated one year on the planet by eating cupcake with daddy.
Eli thought this watermelon most closely resembled a ball.
Both kids thought the drink coolers were fabulous toys.
Then Eli began organizing.
See? He likes the cans out of the cooler better.
We went to my work picnic on Friday and took Dencey with us. I had the best of intentions of getting a lot of very cute pictures of my two favorite very cute kids. Then we got there. And it was miserably humidly hot and Eli lost his shit. I've never seen him act up like that, he was miserable and wanted everyone to know it. So my camera stayed in my bag and we left very early. Of course he was fine the second he got back into the car, I think he just loathes the heat like his mama does.
Saturday Eli turned a year and a half and I feel a little shitty that I didn't take at least one pic. He was sweet on Saturday and might even have smiled for the camera. The proliferation's of pictures on Friday should more than make up for it. It's hard to believe that he's 18 months already; definitely not a bit of an infant anymore.
Right now Eli seems to have a little bit of a bug so that's been worrying and adding to my tiredness as he hasn't been sleeping well at night. I'm just not used to get up every couple of hours anymore. We tried putting him in bed with us but no one was happy about that; he likes his own space and honestly we like ours too. I've got my fingers crossed that I go home to a baby completely on the mend today.
Sunday night we went to see the new Batman movie and it was amazing! By far my favorite Batman ever and the best of the three movies I've been to see this past month (I was on a streak-Mamma Mia, the new X-Files, and The Dark Knight). We were supposed to get our wedding bands that night too but the place we thought would have them didn't so that's still on our agenda as well.
I think that catches up the world of me. Hopefully I'll be blogging from home next week as Jason's wife. Anyone want to get ordained online real quick and perform the ceremony?