Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Normally I like to think of myself as a very relaxed person. I am not prone to getting all worked up over little things. This weekend however led to a very frazzled Emily.

First I got a haircut. To some people this might not be a big deal because it is after all ONLY HAIR and it GROWS BACK. But I love my hair, even when it doesn't look so great I love it and I like to kind of hide behind it and resist any changes to it. Once in 9th grade I got a very short cut that made me loathe to leave the house for over a week and that was my last really short cut. Until now.

And I didn't want or ask for it to be this short. Below see a picture of me right after leaving the salon and below that the picture of what I'm OK with doing to it until the shortest layer (which falls right above my ears and mushrooms out in a ring around my head) gets a little longer.

See how happy I am with my new cut?

The second problem really does make all my angst over JUST HAIR that will GROW BACK seem pretty silly.

On Sunday Adelaide bit Eli. On the face. He's OK, there's barely a mark now, but I don't feel safe keeping her around him as she's been very growly and has snapped at him before. In my opinion she's just at the end of her fragile, anxious little rope. With all of the abuse she endured before she came to us our chaotic house is just too much for her. So I'm very sad and trying to re home her. Addie's ideal home would be with a single woman. And I'm specifying NO young children. I'd never be able to live with myself if she went to a new home a hurt someone else's kid.
Poor Lady Adelaide of Bloomfield just needs a good quiet home so she can have a happy life.

In more cheerful news I am doing an excellent job of staying hydrated which I've been told is good for me in a myriad of ways. Eli is adorable (aside from his usual meltdowns) and has really started to love playing with other kids. He's not just playing near them he's actually interacting with them which is an exciting and interesting developmental milestone.

And it's my birthday week! I'll be 27! I'm going to be delighted at my age instead of thinking of it and the subsequent birthdays as an inevitable slide into middle age. At 27 I'm just where I thought I'd be, married (for over a week now! go me! it'll be easy now since the first week's the toughest) and the mother of the cutest kid in town.


Shell said...

Awww I'm sorry Ade bit Eli :( That sucks you have to rehome her.

And I really like that haircut!!