Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wedding Recap

I had another blogging gap again. And the result is that this post may have the most pictures of any post ever.

We got married last Friday, as planned, well kind of as planned. Friday morning I called down the JOP as I was instructed and was told that I had to call an hour before I actually wanted to come down and be married to see if it could be done that day. This was at 8 am the day of my wedding. So I freaked out for a minute and started furiously texting people (as I am wont to do in times of turmoil) and Jen came to the rescue. Since the mayor of McKeesport wants to have sex with her he agreed to marry us at two o'clock at the marina in McKeesport. I immediately felt so much better about my day knowing that my plans were concrete.

Legs were shaved, hair was washed and straightened, lots of deodorant and lotion was applied. I even put on mascara and eyeliner, gotta look fancy on your special day after all. Jen, our official wedding planner and photographer came at noon so that we could start our litany of pre-ceremony activities. First on the list was picking up our license at the City/County building; I enjoyed when the lady asked me when we were planning on getting married and I was all "today". It reminded me of being in Eat'N'Park heavily pregnant on Tuesday and having the waitress ask when I was due and getting to tell her Sunday, she looked frightened like I might go into labor right there creating a mess and tying up her station. Table turnover is very important when you live on tips. Anyway back to the wedding we then went to Mt. Washington to take pictures (none of which I have to share yet). I don't have the highest hopes for that set as Jason kept squinting into the sun and Jen was accusing him of purposely trying to look like a pirate in his wedding photos. On the way through from the city to McKeesport the bride insisted on stopping at Wendy's for a plain chicken sandwich; because you know what's not sexy? Stomach rumbling during your I Do's. Our last picture stop before the wedding was at this fantabulous rose garden that I didn't even know existed. Really hoping those pictures are good given how lovely the background was.

My mom had already made it to the marina by the time we got there, she didn't get lost at all which I consider to be my own little wedding day miracle. That and the way we kept missing the rain all day so that we got pictures and took our vows under sunny skies. Here's my wedding in pictures. These are the ones from my camera, I'll share the ones from Jen when she gets them to me.
Jason on the way to the marina, shirt untucked. It was a fight getting him to tuck it in! He wanted to bring a "Miami feel" to the wedding. I did not.
Jen and her boobs speeding along.

My guys before the vows. Jason squinting of course.
The Witchers!
Saying our vows with Mayor Brewster
He's squinty but trust me he was very happy
I was pretty happy too
Putting on his ring, which is made of steel and according to Marty looks like the Lord of the Rings ring.
Husband and wife!
Our first kiss as man and wife. I should mention that weddings make me sappy, especially this one.
Marty and I looking familial and happy.
Showing off my twenty dollar dress and my forty dollar bouquet.
Coolest ladies in Pittsburgh.
Our photographer Boobs McGee.
I was trying to cover them with my flowers but she preferred to have them hanging out.
Dencey and I. She was angelic throughout the ceremony and the dinner. I may swap Eli for her when her parents aren't looking.
The girls and me. I was pinching Michelle to make her smile but clearly it didn't work. Also I'd just stolen her sunglasses and she was mad.
Amy and Dencey being cute.
Eli was excited 1. Because mommy and daddy are no longer living in sin
2. Because of his amazing paisley shorts
Trying to cover up her cleavage again.
How I saw Jen for most of the day.
My mommy and me.
Jason and I contemplating what we'd just done.
Suzanne saves my bouquet from my over zealous throw.
Stylish ladies hanging at the marina.
Our miniature wedding cake from Paddy Cake Bakery. It was chocolate inside and delicious, they did a great job.
We were a bit tired of posing at this point. I may have an inkling of how Eli feels most days now.
He makes that face every time he eats cake.
We decided not to smoosh cake in each others faces. Because we're dignified.
Beautiful baby Eli.
Good looking cousins. They're the best of friends now. We had Eli at the end of the table with us and he cried til we moved him with his cousin. He gives her all his food and toys. Very cute.
Waiting on food and the other guests at the Church Brew Works
Doing some posing of her own.
I don't know what my camera was doing here, but it kind of makes him look like the kid from the grudge. Spooky.
After dinner we went to the hotel room that Josh and Amy booked for us in the Southside. It was an awesome room with a whirlpool tub and a KING SIZED BED, we love a big bed. Amy and Suz had snuck in before dinner and decked the room out with champagne and strawberries, flowers, candles and his and hers rubber duckies in the tub. It was the best surprise and we had a very nice time honeymooning. At least for the six hours before we went to the bar with my friends.
Everyone thought that since we were already in the Southside and only 4 blocks from Dee's that we kind of had to go to the bar. And I listened to them...
Here's drunk Jen with "the sailor" if you want to know about "the sailor" you'll have to specially request this knowledge.
Jen's all "don't tell people things jerk!"
Adrienne being undrunk.
Jason showing me what he does with his buddies after work.

We're married! And I'm drunk! And once I get back to the hotel room I'll spend the rest of the night throwing up! Wait, that last sentence didn't need an exclamation point. It needed whatever is the opposite of the exclamation point.
That's all the wedding news. In the other important news, Eli news, we now have a utensil using bubba. He insists on having a fork at every meal and is getting pretty OK at using it:

It's adorable watching him try. We've also been diligently trying to teach him body parts; he's getting it slowly but surely. He can tell you where my belly is (lifting up my shirt to show off my flub) and my nose. He know's his belly and if you ask him if his but needs changed he'll start inspecting his diaper. He had a great time at Aunt Amy and Uncle Josh's Friday night and played with his cousin non-stop. He also loves playing with the little boy across the street and following around the six year old who lives next door. I'm contemplating adopting a two year old so that he has a full time playmate.

When he doesn't have a playmate, or gets told no, or can't reach something, or just can't get across to me what he wants it looks like this:

Which while still kind of cute is zero fun.
In fun Emily news the girl across the street and I have begun a bookswap and she had a ton of celebrity bios which means that I'm now reading Mommie Dearest!


Shari said...

Your pictures were gorgeous!
And you had better spill it about the cute sailor, lol!

Shell said...

Awww :) Congrats again! I was looking for updates!! LOL