Friday, July 25, 2008

Hot Fun in the Summertime

It's actually cooled down just enough that it's pleasant to be outside again, so Eli and I have not spent every evening this week huddling in the living room with the air set on 69 degrees. The young sir loves to be outside, so much so that when i pick him up to take him in he has a full body tantrum. I don't even know that I'd be capable of twisting about and flailing as he does, but isn't it true that their bones are still a little rubbery? My bones have no rubber left. Sad stuff. Wednesday night we hung out with neighborhood kids and mom's in the backyard and it was very fun, I enjoy belonging to the mom club.
While the other kids were running back and forth from one kiddie pool to another Eli decided he was too good to get wet. So he practiced his soccer skills.
And swept the pavement with the neighbor's broom. You can't keep the kid away from cleaning implements. He did eventually get in the water and it was hilarious to see his little diaper sagging off his bum afterward. If it weren't for his dipes Eli would never keep his pants up.
Eli is still very into being read to.
And sometimes he reads by himself. Upside down.

Recently I've been giving Eli dessert after dinner. I mostly do this because it keeps him in his high chair a bit longer so I can actually finish my dinner. Usually it's fruit but sometimes I give him empty ice cream cones:
He hasn't a clue that something should be in there. And I love that about him.

Eli is often mesmerized by the spinning of the wheel on Wheel of Fortune. And no he doesn't always stand that close to the tv.
Eli loves boxes. From now on any packages I get he gets the box.
All of my diapers from the spree have arrived, I think these are my two favorite. They're from Berry Imperfect Designs like the monkey pirate one.
As you can tell Eli also loves it.
And I refer to this as his Guns'N'Roses Diaper. Very fetching.


Sherri said...

lol, Caden has a dipe in the "Guns N Roses" pattern.