Saturday, June 28, 2008

Almost As Good As Going To Tiffany's

Have I ever told you how much I love grocery shopping? All the choices, all the delicious food. I think I get off on it a little. Plus I really like buying snacks for Eli, there's so much he can eat now. Expanding his horizons delights me to no end.

I miss my camera. Monday can't come soon enough.

I've had kind of a craptastic couple of days emotionally and am ready for a fresh new week. Let's all try not to screw this one up shall we?

My desire to write something besides this blog is slowly returning. I'm mostly crediting this to Eli's steady sleeping through the night; my brain is rested enough to churn out a few non-baby related thoughts. Just a few though, Sir still consumes 98% of my brain. Being creative with the other 2% appeals to me.

Eli is turning into a really stellar little soccer player, he dribbles like a pro and since he likes to use his hands a lot I think he may be a goalie. Jason says it's his Latin blood. It very well may be but I'd like to find one person who thinks Eli looks Latin. Imagine if I'd let Jason name him Diego?

Expect about a gazillion pictures next week.