Monday, June 09, 2008

Dear Post Office

Isn't it illegal to withold someone's mail? What does "we only deliver stimulus checks on Monday and Saturday" mean anyway? Post Office I hate you. You're ruining my life.

With Spite & Distaste,


Ok, now that that's done with let's talk about the weekend. Eli got a lot of fun stuff. On Friday he got a big shipment of wooden puzzles from Ebay.

One of the puzzles had a wooden apple which Eli thought was very fun to carry around in his mouth.
Even though it clearly lacked in taste.
On Saturday Aunt Suz subsidized a kiddie pool for Eli. We decided on this sporty whale that blows water from it's blowhole. Well it blows water from it's blowhole if your hose has water pressure which ours doesn't. We're going to try to fix that next weekend.
Eli in his whale trunks. He does like to match. I got him in the pool as quickly as possible since it was over 90 degrees and I dislike the idea of my baby burning up from the inside out.
Black and white Eli waiting for the pool to fill up. He though the hose was amazing. If it wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen to my living room I'd give it to him for distraction while I'm making dinner.

Did I mention how sweet it is to snuggle a little guy who smells like sunscreen? I'd forgotten how much I love that scent. I wish it could be my signature perfume. That and sauerkraut. MMMMM sauerkraut, sweet-sour elixir of the Germanic Gods.


Shell said...

Dammit he's adorable :) That pool is pretty snazzy as well!