Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Watching the Days Go By

Did you know that I love everything about being a mom? I love all the mom duties; cutting up meat into tiny pieces, forcing clothes over wiggly heads, using extra bubbles to get spaghetti stains off his cheeks during bath time. I especially love tucking him into his bed, reading him his board books after he's chucked them at my head and comforting him when he's scared. I don't mind washing diapers (though the bigger he gets the stinkier they get) or finding cheerios literally everywhere.

I'm good with the mom stuff. It's the housewife stuff that irks me. Making dinner is fine, but cleaning up after it annoys the hell out of me. And I love the dog but am so tired of sweeping her fur off the hardwood I'm ready to shave her bald. I do the diaper laundry with gusto but my clothes end up sitting in the laundry room wrinkling away in the basket. I have to literally bribe myself to get any cleaning done in the evenings; my reward tends to be of the cake variety which means that I'm not just a housewife I'm a slightly over weight housewife. Possibly it's my lady visitor that's making me feel so Talking Heads about this today. Or the fact that I quite vehemently didn't want my lady visitor to come as that means no baby on the way this month. So I'm glum and will stop babbling and give you cute pictures.

This is Eli's favorite way to nap. Adelaide barely tolerates it, but is smart enough to know that if he's sleeping at least he isn't pulling any of her extremities or trying to get her to chase him.

Eli all snuggled up in his crib. His Aunt Rhonda made him the blanket before he was born and he sleeps with it every night. I hope he takes it to college with him.

This weekend he was sweeping naked. It was freaking adorable, but I'm loathe to put his booty up on the Arpa-Net for all to see so here's a fuzzy cropped picture of the event.

Eli's got mommy's cell phone! And he couldn't be happier about it. That's my new unbroken cell phone which I really shouldn't let him play with.

In other happy news my co-worker gave me this: to cover my non-discrete tattoo (the only non-discrete tattoo in the agency according to the new guidelines) and I ordered a box to keep in my desk as well as these ones: magical, no? I am one sexy lady.


Lauren said...

I am totally with you on the loving to be a mom, but hating the housewife part! Maybe if I make the cake thing a reward I will only eat it once a day and actually get things done!

Eli looks adorable as usual! I love that blanket.