Friday, June 06, 2008

Pool In A Bucket

This actually has a bit of back story. When I was a kid my bff Steph and I were playing at her house and wanted our barbies to go to the beach, and we wanted it to be realistic. So, we took a sand art heart and emptied it into a Tupperware bowl...voila beach in a bowl! A few years later we made pool in a bucket in my front yard, we could each get one foot in, it was very fun. Last night given the almost 90% humidity I though a pool in a bucket would be a good option for keeping Eli cooled off until we get him his kiddie pool. He had a fine time.
Playing with the next door neighbor's Golden Retriever puppy.
Splashing around.
Pouring the whole thing out on himself.
But don't worry he knew where to go to get more water.
Chasing the water across the pavement.

We went out again after dinner but stayed dry this time. Two other little ones who live close by came and played for half an hour or so and it was cute to watch Eli share his toys. I like the idea of lots of kids coming to play at our house because that's how it always was when i was growing up. My mom always had at least one who wasn't hers over for dinner; she even used to encourage my friends to write grocery lists of what they'd like to eat at the house. I don't how my parents afforded it but they did and we were never wanting for playmates.

One more little thing, Jason working nights really sucks. I am desperate for adult companionship in the evenings. I talk to the dog way way more than I should.


Anonymous said...

I would be your adult companion... Well, you know what I mean... Cause we're not lesbians.... Not that there's anything wrong with that....