Tuesday, June 05, 2007

4 months!

Eli turned 4 months old on Saturday. I can hardly believe it's been 4 months, but at the same time I can hardly remember what life was like without him. Sleeping late, spending $300.00 in one trip to Victoria's secret, and fitting into my size 8 jeans are all distant memories. But when he sees me enter a room and his whole face lights up, or when he's sleepy and snuggling into my shoulder it's all worth it. He had his 4 month check up yesterday and weighed in at 13 lbs. even, which means he hasn't doubled his birth weight of 7lbs 9 oz. That was worrying me a little, but as several people pointed out to me all babies are different, and there is a childhood obesity epidemic in this country that I'd be happy for him to avoid. The doctor wants me to start him on cereal mixed with breast milk twice a day, but I just don't think that's necessary yet, he's still so little. So, I just kind of nodded my head but didn't agree to anything, and hopefully J doesn't just do it while I'm not there. He thinks that anything the doctor says is gospel. Today is rainy and nasty and I'm looking forward to going home and being lazy with the little one. Hopefully he'll sleep tonight. My little sleep terrorist. I got 4 1/2 hours last night, but I'm blaming the restlessness on his immunizations, five vaccines is a lot! If he doesn't start sleeping better soon I'm going to read aloud to him from baby books
"4 month old babies need 15 hrs. of sleep a day.", "At 4 months babies often begin sleeping through the night."
Maybe he just doesn't realize what's expected of him, I'm sure he wants to keep up with his peers and hit his milestones. Speaking of milestones he's been rolling like a champ, he even did it for the nurse at his check up yesterday. Mommy is very proud, I'm sure this is more evidence that he's a genius. And last night when we were walking in the park he made friends with a very cute 6 month old baby girl. He's such a flirt already. It's amazing how they start off as these blank canvases and everyday they become more and more themselves.