Monday, June 11, 2007

Resolution #1

I think I'm going to start trying to look just a little hotter and more alluring while out walking around the city. The purpose of this being that I would really like someone to post a missed connection about me on craigslist. I'm not saying that I would do anything about it...but you know it'd be nice to be noticed. Besides I did pay good money for the makeup collecting dust in my bathroom...

Last night at around 3:30 am Eli woke up to eat. So I changed his diaper, and let him nurse until he unlatched. He was all kinds of sleepy as I laid him back down, but the second I tried to step away it was all wide-awake baby. I indulged him by walking him and playing with him for a little while, until about 4:30, an hour and a half before my alarm would be going off. Then I put on my best stern face, and I looked down at him and said "time to go back to bed Bubba, it's nighttime, nighttime is for sleeping. Time to go back to sleep now." And he full-on belly laughed at me. Adorable little smart-ass.