Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Take your passion and make it happen

What's cuter than a baby in legwarmers? Nothing. Thanks to Heather (the maker of Eli's superbaby ensemble) I am now obsessed with babylegs. I got two pairs yesterday and Eli and I had a lovely fashion show:

Also Jen came over for our walk, and we opened up my mom's closed restaurant to fetch some soda's since the beverage selection at my apt. was sorely lacking. I was just waiting for someone to poke thier head in and ask for a sandwich. Then I watched the last 45 mins. of the Big Love season premiere after putting Eli to bed. The first 15 mins. were silent, which I'm blaming the Soprano's bulls#@$ I think my cables broken ending. It was kinda hard to enjoy the show with Eli upstairs and me downstairs, because I'm always sure he's going to stop breathing while I'm in the other room. He'll suffocate and I'll never live down the guilt of him dying while i watch some stupid t.v. show that I don't get on the upstairs set. Of course he was fine, sleeping like an angel when I went up to bed myself. Mommy is just paranoid.