Wednesday, June 06, 2007

One Year Ago...

As I was filling out the paperwork for my Aflac supplemental insurance I realized that today marks a very fun personal anniversary for me. One year ago today I found out I was pregnant. J and I hadn't been trying for very long (only a month), but I was sick to my stomach, tired, cranky, my boobs were swollen, and my period was about 5 days late. At the drugstore I was so nervous, not wanting to get my hopes up, feeling furtive with my purchase. J had gone golfing and I peed on the stick all by myself. The digital readout said pregnant almost immeadiately and I just started laughing and crying. It was all my dreams come true. And now Eli is all my dreams come true. 9 months of planning and 4 months of catering to my little tyrants every need and I am head over heels

When I look at his feet sometimes I am amazed that I made those feet!

And to think that his face is a perfect mix of J and myself blows me away. In my heart I have been a mommy for 1 whole year. Happy anniversary to me.