Thursday, June 07, 2007


Here is a picture of Eli in his fabulous new diaper.

It was a present from a friend of a friend and a lovely surprise. He's also sporting some baby legs she made him which are, as the picture implies, just like leg warmers only for babies. What you can't see in this picture is that Eli is crying, mommy has a bad habit of trying to finish taking the picture or just thinking that the crying is cute too and should be recorded on camera. I keep having visions of him looking at pics when he is older and demanding to know why I didn't pick him up and comfort him. I imagine that he will then take these pics to his therapist who will declare them to be the root of everything that is wrong with him.

And this is Eli this morning before I went to work, I think he kinda looks like a little pimp. I like that.

Last night the little man and I took the stroller to Sure-Save to pick up mommies dinner (potato, broccoli, and cheddar pierogies), had playtime on the floor, and took a bubble bath. Eli is getting much better about playing by himself while I eat, thank God. He likes to take his toys and figure out which end fits in his mouth better, and roll/inch worm his way off the blanket onto the nubby carpet that i know is going to give him some sort of nasty rash. We both enjoy bath time. Last night we sang along to Jeff Buckley and he peed in his towel as soon as I put him on it. Good times.