Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm going to preface this blog post by explaining that I'm really really tired. First Eli was teething Wed night and then last night I was stricken by the insomnia that I haven't had to deal with for at least two years. I'm working on four hours of sleep and wearing someone elses pants because mine got soaked on the way to work this morning. After my umbrella broke. Also my muffin got ruined by the rain. So the point is that I'm not as coherent as I might be but my opinions stand regardless.

First I'd like everyone to read this so they can get an idea of the bug that has crawled up my ass and digest it please. It comes from the Associated Press so it's pretty fucking legit. Then you can peruse this and click on any of the links that you might be interested in to see the evidence backing up the claims

Next I'd like everyone to think about the fact that Sarah Palin supports abstinence only sex education and has a pregnant 17 year old daughter. The conclusion that we can draw from this is that she doesn't learn from her mistakes. That worries me a bit.

On a more personal note I hate that she named her baby Trig. It makes me think of math class and it makes a coworker of mine think of some STD that I can't spell properly. People who inflict names like that on their children shouldn't be helping run the country. Even if they are self proclaimed "pitbulls". Don't worry America baby Palin will be OK, Suz and I are going to kidnap him, rename him Elliot and raise him to be a bleeding heart liberal of the highest order. Possibly part of my problem is that I can't like a woman who wants to leave her four month old for extended periods of time. Obviously I support working mothers but VP of the USA isn't exactly your normal nine to five job. I mean can she possibly be breastfeeding on the campaign trail?

Now that I've griped a bit I'd like everyone to watch this which makes me so in love with Matt Damon that I may need to change into my third pair of pants for the day before noon And if you still have any interest in my rant you can read this which contains the following passage :

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?
PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.
GIBSON: Exact words.

Oh Charles Gibson now I have to make out with you too!

This certainly the only thing that has my nerves all raw around the edges it's just the thing that keeps popping up on the news. I'm also annoyed at my body 1. for the sleeplessness 2. for the non-period period I just had 3. for not making babies in a swift fashion. And I'm annoyed at myself for being a chronic shopaholic, a situation that escalates as I get less sleep and become a little manic. Just a little, but I can feel myself veering off a bit dangerously. I'm annoyed at my rambling here and the actual verbal rambling that's been happening in real life. Right now this is what's been soothing me & I have bunch of his music on my itunes and I want to crawl up inside his voice and nap. That is if I could fall asleep. Maybe he could just come sit on the edge of my bed and sing to me.


shawnee said...

Great post Emily!! :::appluading:::