Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer in the City

Yesterday I spent a good portion of my work time calling our home bound elderly consumers to let them know what to do in the extreme heat Pittsburgh's experiencing the next few days. This needed to be done because it's fucking hot here. It's hot as balls, hell, hades, can be, the sun, etc... Pick a cliche, apply it. It's sure to be true. Last night I wore a skirt to the Farmer's Market because all my Capri's were dirty and I couldn't stand the thought of emerging from the air conditioned tomb of my house wearing long pants. Tuesday night when the heat wave began in earnest I went to Rite Aid, bought shaving supplies and used them immediately upon returning home. This meant that Eli got to amuse himself by putting things in the toilet; it was worth it to wear Capri's without looking like a yeti. Besides he only put objects that were too big to flush inside the bowl, he's a very considerate little guy.

Eli got a new diaper from Berry Imperfect designs, whom we'd never tried before. We love it and have ordered two more. It's very cute, patterned with pirate monkeys, but E wouldn't hold still long enough to get a decent picture. Since he's starting to outgrow his mediums, after 10+ months of use, I've been on a diaper buying jag. Like most of my shopping jags it's gotten a wee bit out of control. But don't fret Internet the very real fact of my brokeness has stopped me in my tracks as of this afternoon. I've been trying to buy some one size diapers; that way if my period decides to do as I say and go the fuck away so that a tiny life may begin growing inside me I'll have diapers for the prospective newborn to wear. So, hey body! stop being a jerk--love and kisses Emily.

Thanks to the proximity of the weekly Farmer's Market and the high cost of meat Eli and I (and occasionally Aunt Zanne) have been eating a very veggie rich diet. It's delicious and I'm walking away from dinner feeling healthy. Usually I walk away from dinner feeling like I may hurl because I ate so much more than necessary. Viva La fresh food!

Here are a few pics of the boy, just in case anyone wanted to see some.
Eli in the bath after eating my squash laced fresh spaghetti sauce, as you might be able to see he got it right up his nose.
I gave him the empty thin mint box to play with. He doesn't know it's empty at this point and is waiting for me to swoop in and snatch away his forbidden treat.
I think he was in mid sentence here. He gets very emphatic when talking baby talk.
Oh, how does Eli love swatting flies. He inherited my blood lust for extinguishing the world of insects.
The love of cleaning must have come from someone else. Still I hope it holds over to when he can actually lend a hand with the cleaning.


Shari said...

I LOVE the expressions on his cute little face!