Monday, July 07, 2008

3 Days of Fun

Delightfully Jason and I were both off Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the long 4th weekend. On Friday Jason slept late and Eli and I got up and experimented with the new camera which is very very similar to the old camera.
Eli thought the old camera looked tasty and decided to chew on it a little. I'm not letting him chew on the new one, I can't spare another $200 any time soon.

That night we went to my mom's house for the annual 4th BBQ and backyard firework's extravaganza. My little brother was in town for the weekend (yea!) and he was having fun chasing Eli around. Last time he saw him he was walking but not running and not baby babbling nearly as much. Personally the thought of not seeing Eli every single day makes me very sad, of course our situations are a bit different. We ate a lot of non healthy American patriotic type food and Eli enjoyed all the new toys grandma had bought to keep at her house.

Eli used Uncle Marty's nifty hat to entertain the hippies in attendance and was very brave while daddy and the boys were setting of the little fireworks. They were pretty loud but he didn't cry, he just sat on my lap in his fancy rocket ship pajamas and watched everything with big eyes.
One of the cool things Grandma Ros bought was this purple sand, baby Truman looks good against a purple backdrop. We got home late and Eli fell asleep in the car seat, he didn't wake up when we got home and went straight into the crib. Of course the cat jumped in his crib and woke him up at 5:30 am. She's luckily I didn't declaw her right then.

Saturday night Jason and I went to a party sans Eli. We never go out like that together and it was very nice, we drank alcohol and went swimming and I marveled at the drunkenness of his friends. I've been a mom for so long I'd forgotten anyone could or would drink that much. We got home very very late even though we knew that an early morning was waiting for us.
Jason didn't greet the morning with much cheer as he'd eaten 4 platefuls of curried goat the night before. Combined with all the beer, lack of sleep and a two hour car ride to my family reunion in Maryland misery took over.
Since Eli hadn't eaten any goat he felt fine. He spent a good 30 minutes of the ride having a conversation with someone.

At the reunion Eli fell in love with this little girl who we're somehow related to, she's my 3rd or 4th cousin, maybe? He would have followed her to the ends of the earth, or at least up the slide, he climbed right up it like a little monkey. I was duly impressed.
The immediate fam! Neither baby was happy about standing still for this picture. I tried explaining to people that if you want a good picture of Eli it's going to have to be an action shot. Boy just don't hold still anymore!
Marty had a good time on the playground as well, I know it doesn't look like it but he really has put on weight since he moved to Charlotte. He looks a lot healthier than he did before.
This is me with my Great Aunt Helen, she's 4'9 which means I'm over a foot taller than her. As you can probably tell, I look like Godzilla. My grandma is about an inch or two taller than Aunt Helen so I tower over her as well, and have since I was about eleven.

I guess Eli was still pretty tired from the busy fun filled afternoon because when I went home on lunch break I found this:
Jason said he was playing and just laid down and passed out. Poor little man.