Monday, November 26, 2007

-Eli had a very pleasant first Thanksgiving. First we went to my mom's restaurant where she gives out free Thanksgiving dinner. It was crowded and fun and all the patrons and helpers were in great moods. Then we went home for a nap (well Eli napped) before heading to my mom's house for actual dinner where my friends Suzanne and Doug joined us. Eli ate turkey, sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes and was generally fawned over.
-It's exactly one week til moving day and I could not be more excited, I've been picking out decor on ETSY and planning parties-my favorite party idea is for a potluck where everyone brings their favorite dish and their dog.
-Saturday was mini game night at Jen's where lots of delicious cheese filled food was eaten and Adrienne and Suz beat our pants off at trivia. I feel shamed. Jen also got ludicrously drunk and broke her glasses. Christina got drunk and set her purse on fire in the bathroom. Also Christina and I bonded and I have to say she's my favorite of Brian's recent string of girlfriend's.
-Now pictures with helpful captions Here is Eli with daddy before dinner looking somewhere beyond cranky.
Eating and making a mess, he loves feeding himself, at the new place I'm going to have to invest in a heavy duty splat mat to protect the floors.

Pies made and donated by hippies.
Me, Doug and Suz at my mom's after dinner. My mom would happily feed the world if she could afford it.
Eli's foe doll, Mahesh, named after Suz's ex-boyfriend. I bought it at this awesome store about a block from my house called Divertido. A lot of great stuff that I plan on going back and buying after Christmas/Moving.
Sometimes Eli makes this face. It's charming.
Eli eats sharks for breakfast.


One Mama's Opinion said...

Eli is adorable as always! Sounds like it was a very eventful drunken party! Glasses breaking.... a fire..... haha

I love the foe doll! Absolutely adorable!