Monday, December 10, 2007

-The great move is over and we're all settled in (well for the most part). Jason and I love love love the new house and exclaim over the most mundane things "Babe the fridge is keeping the milk cold!" or "I'm going to do a load of our house!!". We're pretty much overcome with joy. Baby, dog and cat seem to be enjoying the added space as well. I let Adelaide frolic in the snow unleashed and it was the happiest I've ever seen her. And when my dog's happy, I'm happy.
-I'm doing OK with the Christmas shopping, though I still have more than I'd like that has to get done, and the mail is being slower than I'd like. I completely cancelled my k-mart layaway because they vexed me. But it means Eli's getting the bounce and spin zebra that I wanted initially so it's actually a blessing. Can't wait to give it to him.
-My friend Adrienne lent me her Heroes season 1 DVD set and now Jason's hooked too, I knew he would be. When we first got together we used to have long conversations about what super power we'd like to have. We're dorks, I know.
-Eli's so grown up! It breaks my heart. He looks like a toddler and half the time when I pick him up he's squirming to be let down. Why couldn't he just stay a baby for a little longer?

Here's the little guy at the new house trying to figure out the gate that separates the living room from the dining room. I need about 4 more gates.
We took the little guy to see Santa he was apprehensive. At least he isn't wailing, that would have made for a memorable photo.
The futon mattress was laying on the living room floor and daddy and Eli took advantage of that for nap time.
He decided to help me unpack. Doesn't he look grown up?
In the laundry basket, he was having a pretty good time in there, and Adelaide seemed to like that he was contained.


Bonnie said...

Those eyes! There's something about a baby with big brown eyes. Eli reminds me of Casen with those beautiful brown eyes. We sure are some lucky girls to have such handsome baby boys, eh? ;P

Lauren said...

Awwww look at Eli helping with the unpacking!! I am so happy that you guys are happy in your new home!