Monday, January 28, 2008

New Safety Measures Implanted

Eli still fits in his infant seat for ten more pounds, but we thought it was time for him to sit up and see the world. We figured since we were buying a seat that would take him through toddler hood why not opt for the best safety wise. So we got Eli a Britax Roundabout in the cowmooflauge pattern. Adorable. It goes up to 40 lbs (in Eli weight he'll probably be 5) and will be front facing when he's ready. He looks kind of anguished but it's actually very cushy.
We finally got a gate that keeps him out of the kitchen! Yea! The doorway is very wide and for awhile we were using a big green Tupperware tote and a kitchen chair. He's push the tote out of the way or crawl under the chair. Very frustrating for mommy. So we bought and installed this great one hand open gate that swings on a hinge. We love it. Eli's not so crazy about it, but hey safety first!
Note his Mr. Mischief shirt it's our latest fabulous find from Target. It suits him to a T.


Bonnie said...

Wow, your on a roll. You should come to my house and baby proof for me, lol.
I love the Britax car seats. We have the Decathlon :o)

Lauren said...

Yay! Good job on upping the safety! I heart Britax! Eli is safely stylin' now.