Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I can't help it...

I love taking care of things. Which is why we're getting a puppy. Tomorrow. No disapproval please, I got Jason's permission and that's what counts. The newest member of our rapidly growing Dukes/Witcher clan is a 4 month old dachshund boy. I have yet to see him, but I'm sure it'll be love. My fondest hopes are that he will potty train easy and become best friends with the Lady Adelaide. Pictures to be posted soon of course.
-Eli's first Christmas was awesome, he got a million and one very fun and cute toys. I made a big dinner and didn't screw up anything (yay me!), nor did I ruin the lasagna when my dad came to dinner New Year's Eve. So I'm two for two people.
-Speaking of New Year's Eve I was asleep by a quarter after eleven. I know, I know I suck. I was just so very very tired. Jason woke me up at midnight to kiss me and let me know it was 2008. I celebrated that for 23 seconds and then went right back to sleep. Which was probably for the best since Eli got up bright and early as per usual.
-I had 12 blissful days off work, and my house was a lot more organized at the end of it, though I still have a laundry issue. I hate putting it away. Must work on it.
-No actual resolutions were made this year. I am however going to start trying to eat healthier. The "plan" is to make a healthy dinner that Eli and I can share every night. The leftovers will be put away for my lunch at work the next day and for Jason's lunch at home. This will be healthier and save money! Two birds--One stone.
-The weather here is in the low seventies!!! It's kind of a day only thing and we're going to the park. Adelaide's last walk as the only dog.

Eli ripping into his little piano Christmas morning, he did a pretty good job of getting the wrapping paper off. He's wearing his sock monkey pjs from Aunt Suz in which he looked dashing.
Very mad that we put him in his outfit from Aunt Adrienne. Still pretty darn cute.
Happy boy! I love pictures where he's crawling at the camera smiling, looking like he's up to something. He usually is up to something, the boy is quite the handful.
Walking behind the push toy Grandma got him. He loves that thing, he learned how to turn it and he just walks around and around the living room grinning and determined. Anything in his path gets run right over.
Oh, Jason proposed Christmas Eve! That's right we're making it legal. The plans are for a March '09 wedding. I'm already online planning.


Bonnie said...

Emily, Congrats on your new addition AND the engagement!!!!!! That's a beautiful ring! Awesome!

Lauren said...

Congratulations on the engagement!