Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How Time Flies

Unbelievably enough I'm going to be 26 next Wednesday, twenty-freaking-six. Wasn't I just 16? My life plan (humor me now, I came up with it when I was 12) said that by 26 I should have

A: Graduated from college
B: Gotten married
C: Published my first book
D: Had my first baby

Well, one out of four's not bad right? And I might as well be married to Jason, we certainly act like husband and wife. Especially when we get to bickering and nagging each other. My life isn't anything like I imagined it would be. Except for the adorable baby part, and even that is different in real life. I mean there's no way of preparing for how hard motherhood is. I also was pretty sure I'd own my own home by the time the first baby rolled around and at this point it's not seeming like that will ever happen. Right now I don't even like the apartment I'm in. Oh, 26, you snuck up on me.

Eli got his 2ND tooth this week, I noticed it peeking through the skin while we were at the ballgame on Monday night. Which explains his atrocious sleeping habits lately, I was beginning to think he was reverting back to infancy. Last night though he fell asleep at 8 pm, woke at 3:30 to nurse, and went back to sleep til 7:30. Viva la sleeping through the night!

This is the face Eli makes when he is talking, he babbles and yells and waves his arms. It's pretty hilarious because he's so emphatic about it.

That thing he's holding is a mesh feeder with a piece of banana inside, he did not like it, did not want it in his mouth.

His finger is in his mouth because he had another tooth coming in! Two teeth!

Here's the family at PNC Park on Monday evening. We went to the doubleheader for my little brother's birthday. Well he's not so little anymore, it was his 22ND birthday. In my head he's still 13 and I'm still surprised to see him driving a car. It was not only Eli's first baseball game it was Jason's too. The thing he was the most impressed in were the grilled foot longs with everything. He ate two of them and fries and shrimp. Piggy.