Monday, August 06, 2007

Too much cute

This weekend Eli was for the most part in exemplary spirits, and displaying the kind of cuteness that made me want to have a baby in the first place. Then last night at my mom's he seemed to suddenly realize what separation anxiety is because he didn't want anyone but Jason or myself to hold him. Usually Eli shows no preference as long as he's being jostled, tickled, and talked too. So, this new thing is both endearing and annoying. Endearing because he's recognizing that we are, in fact, the most important people in his world. Annoying because I can no longer leave the room without hearing earsplitting cries. Here are some pics of Elijah being extraordinarily cute.

He fell asleep in his Baby Einstein exersaucer while I was at work, luckily Jason had the forethought to take a picture. I guess being a baby genius is pretty tiring.

He found both his feet!! And he was so excited about it. My little monkey.

Eli thinks that daddy's hat is the most delicious thing in the world, except for maybe bananas.

In Emily news I was just monumentally annoyed because I had to walk the whole way upstairs to get water. For anyone who isn't already aware I have a pretty cushy office job where they try to make things as pleasant as possible. This includes monthly themed luncheons (recent examples include a sundae bar and a baked potato bar), team building scavenger hunts, mock awards ceremonies for being a super social worker, and very very flexible schedules. Really if the most I have to complain about is that the downstairs water cooler is broken I must be pretty lucky.