Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Catching Up

Eli went to his second Pirates game this weekend with my friend Melissa, her little boy Ryan, and myself. They lost this time, but Eli didn't care.

I've been a terrible blogger lately, but anyone who knows me understands that I go through spurts where getting anything but the bare minimum done is next to impossible. I had my birthday, of course, there's no stopping time. There was sushi, and cake, and cupcakes, and cheesecake (not all at the same time). Eli is getting bigger and doing new things every day. He has learned how to wave and waves at everyone he sees, delighting in all the positive attention he gets from this action. He's also sitting up by himself a lot better, though still no crawling. My mom assures me that this doesn't mean he's developmentally slow. I think I have a competitive streak that motherhood is really bringing out. Not only do I want Eli to do everything right away, I want him to do it before everyone elses babies. My mother also assures me I will not feel this way with the second one. Contemplating a second one makes my head hurt. All people with more than one child are now officially my heroes.

Eli is growing out of his infant seat, which is pretty much ok with me since he's getting to heavy to carry around in it anyway.
Eli still makes fabulous faces, this has not changed since my last post. At seven months he is utterly charming. This is something I'll most likely need to remember when he's 17 and I'm ready to throw him out of the house.

Eli thinks that daddy is his own personal jungle gym. He likes to pull on his chest hair. Better him than me.


Bonnie said...

TOO handsome!! Love those eyes!!