Friday, August 03, 2007

6 months of elation and exhaustion

So, my little guy turned 6 months old yesterday. Half a year has gone by faster than i ever thought possible. I would have updated yesterday but they have me doing new, time consuming things at work as of late. This afternoon I'm pretty tired, Eli was up in the middle of the night again, and since I forgot to set my alarm (also again) I jolted up in a way that always leaves me with a headache. And Adelaide was being mighty picky about where she pooed on her morning jaunt, I would have been late if my co-worker hadn't seen my lame ass walking and picked me up. Then when I sat down at my desk I realized that the khakis I'd put on thinking they were clean had banana mush hand prints on the left thigh. The joys of motherhood. I'm discovering that being a mother tends to leave me woefully unprepared in other areas of my life. Like grooming. And being quick with a comeback. But in other areas I've grown leaps and bounds. Like doing things one handed because putting the baby down isn't an option unless you enjoy hysterical screaming. He was very adorable last night at Macy's, sitting in their extra tall stroller, flirting with all the sales ladies. I bought him a taggie book, and he was sucking on the actual tag instead of the silky decorative ones that line the soft pages. Non conformist.