Wednesday, August 08, 2007

An Evening with Eli

When I go home in the evening I do not, as many may think, just rest on my laurels and eat bon bons. I am in charge of caring for and shaping the mind of an infant. Hard work. Here are pics of a typical evening.

Eli is trying to learn how to crawl, he can his front end up and he can get his back end up, but not at the same time. It's still pretty cute to watch him worm around and figure out what this whole moving thing is about.

Then we eat bananas off the spoon, usually I hold him on my lap to feed him since I haven't gotten around to buying a high chair, but that's getting so messy that I decided to plunk him in his Einstein. He hijacked the spoon and got a death grip on it.

Then mommy and Eli take a bath. I have to leave the door open because Adelaide gets anxious if she can't see me. With the door open she will walk back to hall and peek her head in several times, just to check that I haven't abandoned her through some sort of trap door or dumb waiter.
After bath Eli gets a fresh diaper and a fabulous faux hawk, you can't see it very well since his hair is pretty reminiscent of duck fuzz, but I assure you it's there. Note the Underpants Gnome diaper, I have a small addiction to buying diapers. Eli has 25 meds at last count.

And finally he sleeps! Of course when he sleeps I have to do the dishes, pick up his toys, wash his diapers, feed myself, run the vacuum, etc... There is no rest for the wicked. (obviously I am the wicked)