Friday, October 05, 2007

Fall, almost

This has to be the warmest fall ever, and that's counting the years I spent in Vegas. I've been looking forward to sweaters and crisp walks, instead I'm stuck with tank tops and sweaty heads. If this keeps up we're going to have to cut the sleeves off Eli's monkey costume. Sleeveless monkey, so Miami. I'm really hating global warming.

Eli after his first Steeler's loss. He's doing ok, young as he is he seems to understand that you win some you lose some, you always love your team.

Daddy took this picture while I was at work, Eli looks sullen. Probably because he missed me. Poor buddy.
And look I got that haircut and eyebrow waxing! I feel (and I think look) a whole lot better. It was really a necessity since I'm going to be one of Jen's dates to the woman of the year banquet.

And lastly I promised Suzanne that I'd blog about how much Eli adores her, believe me he does. Tuesday night when she was over for the biggest loser he chose to snuggle with her instead of me. Sigh.